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Sunday, July 02, 2006
Changed blog link already.


relink me okaes. (:


Friday, June 30, 2006
My Girl (:

irritating douglas.
kena gan by him sia.
really fcuked up.
dont really like maya.

ii am like so fat la.
hate eating, but cannot resist. T.T

tonight is the night.
wee~ germany go.
klose, must beat crespo ya. (:

ass la, they are just lucky.
POOI ii dont like. (:

he is complianing about my chat log.
hates picky teachers.
damn him! HOLY SHIT!!~

fcuked up projects.
damn damn!
ii am really getting grumpy sia.

oh, she aint upset cause of him. (:
neednt worry more already.
guess all is gonna be good.

look at the stars
look how they shine for you

and all the things that you do


Thursday, June 29, 2006
Sudden Misses

i miss my grandad.
i miss that dumbo.
i miss my love.
i miss my bestiie.
i miss my part time.
i miss joann.
i miss my FUNS.
i miss so many so many.

still in school.
with beii, chococone and cheryl.

silly me.
sudden saddness. T.T
i need a hug.

he's different.
he hurts.
its scary to see what he has become.
she's upset, yet i can only watch.

what do i want?
what does my heart say?
i dont wanna think.
i dont wanna know.

time is running out.


Many Many

what can i do?~

ii hate that laiwan,
"you dont need to explain till the cows come home"
=.= cows come home?

dreaming of soccer.

if ii cant make a choice,
ii will choose not to choose.

miss my funs,
is it possible for us?

emotions all mixed up.

sleepless nights
tired morning
ii've had enough

This is the song,
lala lala~ elmo song.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Giddy Spells


throbbing head.
tummy ache.

dumb service reflection.
got a warning letter already!
at start of term two?? T.T
shit 8 oclock lesson and 6 hr break.
getting debared is gonna cost me 1000+ bucks.

two fucking girl were horribly noisy on the bus.
laughing at each other's names.
reminds me of primary school times. (: awww~
c'mon la~ grow pls. =.=

ii havent stared on my projects.
aint got the mood to.
my hols are gone! fast.
ass la

okae. ii'm being grumpy.
prolly cause of missing slp.
or is it cause ukraine got in? (:

ii need someone to lean on.
hug and slp. ooh~

As he face the sun,
He cast no shadows.


Monday, June 26, 2006
Deja Vu

next match against portugal.
shall not ask beckham to do housework.
should rest more. haha. (: SMILES

see, food...

it's claypot laksa.

happy tofu!!~
ii also dont know why it is so la. (:

gigantic sausage.

ultra not nice. dont try. POOI

food nowadays.
getting weirder everyday.
but still ii love eating. (:
gaining weight already T.T

ooh ooh~ pretty boxes!
no no, it is not furry de.

wahahaha. now for the most exciting picture.
my love and i.
SWEETS~ hot shit. DROOLS

my team and i.
plus an extra little boy.
baobei, your love is ultra not shuai in this picture la.



Sunday, June 25, 2006
Just Another Day~

we broke up.
just a day before.
no tears. (:
guess it was the best for both.

now let me intro my new love...
no no no.
it is not rooney.
the one in the middle.
oh aint he hot?

its so cool eh.

three cuties.

went over wl's house.
happy birthday to ... !
haha. (:

my jacket no stock.
suay la. so damn angry.

wahahaha. ii am going crazy.
lean on his chest. (#'_'#)
tonight cannot sleep le la. (:
mommy say ii siao.
post the picture in my next entry ya.

baobeii trying to sing temperature.
wahahaha. sound so funny.
so retard. on phone with her now.
she succeeded the chorus part only.

He wasn't what I wanted
What I thought, no
He wouldn't even open up the door
He never made me feel like I was special
He isn't really what I'm looking for


Friday, June 23, 2006
S O C C E R !!~

chips, laughs, tv.
that was how we spent the night.

ooh. jw's new room is sooo~ long.
nice bed you have. SNORES (:

woke up at 0950 by jw.
did my selections. wee~
fell asleep on the sofa.

IBM customer service center is so nice.
peisi ask me why never take free choco.
HMMMS =.= ii didnt know.

ate my chicken rice.
YUMS chilli...

town slacking with my girls.
we all got tired. YAWNS
it's home to slp we say. (:

Switzerland VS Korea
who will win?
my Lee Chun Soo~ Jia You.

ii hate feeling shitty. POOI

baobei got stuck in the rain.
SADS wonder what happened after that.

love and ii ought to go job hunting.
its $1.20 left. T.T

oh~ that little girl.
digging that salty coconut. haha.
my my~ what have ii gotta say.
HMMMS. lovely.

ooh~ and, yes ii got bored.
guess where we were...

haha. and oh oh oh~
lets see...

dont they look alike?
choco-cone!!~ YAY

and ii say he looks cancerous doesnt he?
(: dumb. ii dont like that thing on your head.

i'm growing fatter by the days.
SIGHS seriously need to lose weight. T.T

Vague Memories.